Sunday, October 14, 2012

Macro Pictures!

Even though it scared the crap out of me I managed to take a picture of Mr. Mosquito here!
Clovers! They so cute.. =w=

It was a pretty feather... and it had so water droplets on it... Wish it was a better picture..

My frieds eyes up close!

Cheryl's Face! She's one of our fat cats..

Her paw.

I like meh Green Tea..

Clam shell after eating it. It's from a long time ago! But I can still taste it.. =w=
I can't believe... I took a picture of Butter...

It was when I had my friends Music..... Yeaaah.... I'm not sure if this even counts! ^Q3Q^

Rice Cooker!
Beautiful stepped on gum.... =w=

~So I found out we needed 10.... Oh well...~

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