Friday, January 25, 2013

Last Day Reflections

~Last Day Questions~

1. What did you learn about Photography that you did not learn before?
What I learned through this class was basically everything about camera's. Aperture, many different lens, and how you can sometimes control the amount of light that goes into your camera. Also learning about film. Film was my favorite part, going into the dark room and making prints. It gets you excited on what might come out of it! OOH!! And how you can make your own room into a camera!! That was sooo cool!! I really want to try that one day.... One day.... >.>

2. What did you learn about yourself this semester?
..... What I learn about myself?? I dunno. This semester went by fast for me that can't really answer these questions.... I've notice that I want to put it my all this year and make things challenging for me. Although I complain about why I did that to myself, I think it's good for me.

3. What did you wish we had done that we did not?
Well, to be honest I wished we worked more with film because I heard alot about how the process was and my friends who took this class two years ago was talking about how you only need a film camera to be in the class. I'm not saying I don't like digital! It's fast and easy digital. I was just hoping trying out the good old fashion way of making a picture. I really like making prints.

4. What was your struggle?
My struggle actually was keeping up with all this digital things.... I'm a really slow and I mean REALLY SLOW (like how grass grows slow!! Or paint drying!!) when it comes to making art like this. I make alot of changes and get really picky. But that just mean I really like what I'm doing and want it to come out right.

5. What did you conquer?
What did I conquer??..... Hmmm.... I guess... In Photo class, actually taking a picture of myself. I always hated pictures and especially one of myself. And that self portrait actually got me to be creative a little more. It was sooooo awkward at first but then I started making poses and doing silly stuff. This may not seem big but for me I felt like it was a big one to accept my face and be creative. Then anything outside photo... Uhhh.... I'm still working on it... Haven't actually conquered anything yet. =3=

Thank you for a nice Photo experience!

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Al just loves jumping in the morning...

And attacking.... Doors.... O^O

Yo Yo!! Doing his Yoyo thaaang.

Haha.... Mom doesn't have make-up.... =3=

So anything here and beyond have no white boarder because I
didn't do it on photoshop.... But enjoy! Well you can't really
tell... But I'm just saying!!

Go T Wolves!! Woot Woot!! ^O3O^

Al is being a spaz and attacking the carpet...

...... He needs to calm down...

Went Ice skating and there was a really cool skater.... =w=

So many Ice Skaters!!! OAO

And then we got kicked out so the cleaner can do his thang...

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Oh meh gulay! I love this one because he turned around
unexpectedly and I got it!!! >3< I really like it... 

Out in the cold.. She yelled at me for being a
slow picture taker.. =w=;

Haha!!! So I was washing the dishes and I liked the lighting..

..... One of meh plusies... Kinda scary....


So this project was interesting. I was actually looking for more natural light, like from the sun for some odd reason... And getting the right amount of lighting and the angling was kinda complicated for me.. But I did learn some things!! Like the different angling of light can give you very funny shaped angles... But that's kinda a no brainer.. =w=;

Friday, January 11, 2013


I went to Canada and it snowed!! 

I thought it would be cool to be in a ball.... Yeup.... =3=

Monday, January 7, 2013

360 and Planets!

Out on the side of the football field!..Yeup...

Oddly colored..... But it looks cute!! =3=

In front of my town house!!! It look so pretty outside!!! But it was cold and muddy... >A<

...... Kinda cool...^v^;